Below is a collection of programs and services that can help support the health and well-being of North Dakota families.
Crisis and Addiction Resources
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Experiencing a behavioral health crisis or know someone that is? Call or text 988 anytime, day or night, or chat at
Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Information
There are 20 advocacy crisis intervention centers located throughout North Dakota to help victims of sexual and domestic violence with counseling, getting a protection order and more.
Maternal Tobacco Program
The Maternal Tobacco Program aims to reduce the number of health problems caused by tobacco use and secondhand smoke by decreasing the number of women who smoke during and after their pregnancy.
NDQuits - Tobacco
ND Quits provides free services to North Dakotans who want to quit smoking or stop using smokeless tobacco products, including vapes and e-cigarettes.
Safe Haven
Having a baby can bring challenges for anyone. If a parent is unable to safely care for their infant, North Dakota's Baby Safe Haven law provides a legal way for them to see that their baby still receives the care they need.
Partner Resources
Ascend at the Aspen Institute is a catalyst and convener for diverse leaders working across systems and sectors to build intergenerational family prosperity and well-being by intentionally focusing on children and the adults in their lives together.
Behavioral Health
Behavioral health is health. Learn about programs and services that support well-being.
Child Care Information for Families
HHS Early Childhood Section is a resource for parents on finding child care, choosing care and paying for care.
Family Voices of North Dakota
Family Voices aims to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities.
Healthy Families ND
Healthy Families ND helps create individualized plans with parenting journeys.
National Home Visiting Resource Center
The National Home Visiting Resource Center (NHVRC) provides comprehensive information about early childhood home visiting, with the goal to support sound decisions in policy and practice to help children and families thrive.
NDSU Extension - Parenting Education
There are eight regional North Dakota State University Extension Parent and Family Resource Centers in the state that offer parenting classes, support groups, newsletters and lending libraries equipped with books, videos and other materials at no cost to families.
Parents Lead
Parents Lead provides parents and caregivers with a wide variety of tools and resources to support them in creating a safe environment for their children that promotes behavioral health. There are also resources for professionals who work with children and their families.
Pathfinder Services of North Dakota
Pathfinder Services of ND is a statewide nonprofit organization that offers resources to educate parents, youth, professionals, and the community, focusing on individuals birth-26 with learning differences or challenges
Postpartum Support International (PSI)
Postpartum Support International (PSI) provides women and families access to information, social support, and informed professional care to deal with mental health issues related to childbearing.
Text4baby sends free text messages to pregnant women and new moms with useful tips to keep you and your baby healthy.
1-833-TLC-MAMA - National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
Pregnant or just had a baby? The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline is free, confidential, and here to help, 24/7.
Pregnancy and Child Care Resources
Learn about the many benefits of breastfeeding and how new moms can find support.
Car Seats
There’s a lot to know about car seats! Find educational materials including a list of car seat checkup events where you can get help to properly install a car seat.
Child Care and Early Learning
Explore resources to help you make an informed decision when it comes to child care and to find help paying for child care services.
Count for Kicks
A baby's movements are an important sign of their well-being in the third trimester. Download the free Count the Kicks pregnancy app and start counting.
Cribs for Kids
The Cribs for Kids ® program helps babies sleep safer. Qualifying families can learn about safe infant sleep practices and receive a free portable crib.
Home Visits
Healthy Families America provides home visits to pregnant women and parents with young children by a trained professional. Program goals include improving health and well-being outcomes for both the mom and child. Home visits may take place weekly, are culturally respectful and designed to meet the specific needs of the family. This program is administered by Prevent Child Abuse America.
The Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) Program is free to eligible clients and pairs registered nurses with first-time families to help them through phases of parenting. Visits begin during pregnancy, and continue until the child’s second birthday. Visits focus on providing support and resources for a healthy pregnancy, optimal growth and development of the child, and supporting family self-sufficiency. NFP programs are available in both Fargo and Bismarck. Learn more at the National NFP website.
Newborn Screening
A newborn screening is an important test that can identify certain metabolic or genetic disorders 24 to 48 hours after birth.
Safe Sleep
Learn more about how to put your baby to sleep safely to protect them from choking and suffocation and to reduce the risk of sudden unexplained infant death.
Child Development and Early Learning
Brain Building Tips and Tools
Vroom provides science-based tips and tools to inspire families to turn shared, everyday moments into Brain Building Moments®.for children ages birth to five to set the foundation for future learning.
Early Childhood Special Education (Part B-619)
Early Childhood Special Education serves children, ages three to when they start kindergarten, who meet criteria established by the ND Department of Public Instruction as needing specially designed instruction because of developmental delays in cognitive/pre-academic areas, large and fine motor skills, social and emotional behavior, communication (articulation and language), and/or adaptive behavior, or who have vision or hearing losses.
Early Intervention
Services and support for qualifying infants and toddlers under the age of three who have a developmental delay.
Head Start/Early Headstart
Head Start and Early Head Start are child development programs, serving children from birth to age five, expectant mothers and families. The overall goal of Head Start is to increase the social ability of children in low-income families and children with disabilities and improve the chances of success in school.
Waterford Upstart
Waterford UPSTART is a proven, at-home learning program. Prepare your child to start kindergarten with confidence. Families receive everything they need, including access to fun and interactive software, expert coaching and support, and even a computer and internet in participating regions. All at no cost.